PETER ŽIGA, the Slovak Minister of Economy, Source: EU2016SK

PETER ŽIGA, the Slovak Minister of Economy, chairs the meetings of EU energy ministers. He has recently led the informal Council in Bratislava. Žiga answered questions of in writing.

Will you raise with your European colleagues the issue of Nord Stream 2? If yes, what procedure will you suggest at the EU level?

During the EU Council Presidency, the Slovak Republic will be an independent and fair mediator – an honest broker. In the past, we have expressed our opinion in a common letter by prime ministers and ministers. For us, it is important to emphasize the need for compliance of all infrastructural projects on the territory of the European Union with its legislation (with the third liberalization package, above all), with EU’s goals, and with EU’s foreign policy. At the same time, maintaining the Ukrainian transit corridor remains our priority.

Do you suppose that the outcome of the British referendum will have a general impact on the talks about energy issues including energy security and nuclear energy?

Great Britain is a country using nuclear energy and it has significantly engaged in the talks focused on nuclear subjects within the 14-member bloc of pronuclear countries where it presented a constructive view. The issues related to nuclear energy are linked, however, to every Member State’s right to choose its own energy mix.

The priorities of the Slovak Presidency include also a progress on the revision of the Security of Supply Regulation and a debate on the expected Regulations on the rules of notification of investment projects of natural and legal persons in the field of nuclear energy. Is your Ministry of Economy preparing for the situation that the British referendum will impact the talks on these issues?

We have always perceived Great Britain as a natural ally of the Central-European countries, since it has emphasized technologically neutral attitude to reaching the targets of the European energy policy and to energy security, and also in the field of nuclear energy. However, given the events, this question is premature.

How does Slovakia as the EU Council President view the proposal of the European Commission on the revision of the Security of Supply Regulation? Will it attempt to amend the proposal in line with the reservations expressed for example by Germany (the proposed mechanisms of solidarity do not reflect real flows)?

There are currently unsolved questions in the field of gas supply security related to solidarity, regional cooperation and also transparency. During the EU Council Presidency, the Slovak Republic will make efforts to reach progress in this area and to start talks on the proposal with the European Parliament. Supply security counts among the priorities of the Slovak Presidency. At the moment, the possibilities of regional cooperation are discussed in the negotiations of the working group on energy in Brussels.

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The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No 785277.