The 9th SET Plan conference will run in conjunction with 10th annual Central European Energy Conference (CEEC X). The conference program covers all the key energy sector areas which are of immediate importance and the subject of current debates and decision-making. All participants will benefit from the rich and interesting program featuring distinguished speakers.
SET Plan – Central European Energy Conference X will l be held in Bratislava during Slovakia’s EU Council Presidency, from November 30 to December 2, 2016 and will create a prestigious international platform for open discussion on the most important issues regarding current EU energy policy and research and innovation policy between stakeholders. The conference will examine the process of creating the European Energy Union, looking specifically at the research and innovation strategy which is key to producing a breakthrough in transforming the EU energy sector. The aims are to improve the visibility of the Energy Union, identify policy options and priorities and plan future actions. At the end of the conference, draft recommendations will be approved which can be used as tools to implement policy for the SET Plan and Energy Union.